18 August 2010

Catch A Wave (Day 2) [a.k.a. Happy Birthday, Mr. Cheapmeister]

Day 2 started bright and early (very early) with a trip to play golf. Uncle Ray, David, Margo, David 2 and I set out to Old Landing Golf Course in Rehoboth (or "Reh-heh-bith", as the GPS lady in my phone pronounced it).

They had a nice clubhouse which Margo and I searched for coffee, diet coke, and food.

David 2 didn't have his own clubs, so he borrowed a few of David's. He also didn't have a bag, so my mother and my uncle fashioned him one out of my uncle's scrub pants.

The boys were very excited to take pictures as well as play golf. All of the following golf pictures after this one are from the artistic mind (and camera) of David 2.

As we were searching for caffeine, the boys practiced putting

and swordfighting.

We set off around the course

and started to play.

Notice there are very few pictures of me hitting. This is because I swing like a girl, apparently. My uncle once told me I'd hit a lot better if I got a breast reduction because "those things get in the way. I repeated this sentiment at a driving range once, thinking only my coworkers could hear me. Everyone else there turned around and stared to see if this was true.

We were a pretty big group, though, and often stopped to wait while we let others play through. Some were polite, and others were rather impatient. But the breaks were nice to have.

The game was quite fun, although it did take awhile and get kind of bug-filled. The highlight, though, was driving the golf cart.

I want one of these for my very own. I would drive it to work.

Let's not discuss the score of the game outside of saying that I won the last hole. The others don't count.

After the game, we returned home and went to the beach for the rest of the afternoon, where the waves were much less wavy than the day before. We had early dinner plans, though, so we didn't stay too long. When we returned, David 2 sat down at the feet of the master to listen to the Tales of Cheap, in which my uncle tells people how to save money. One such Tale of Cheap? "Never buy golf balls. You can always find them lying around somewhere to take. Just like toilet paper." I believe this year's Tale of Cheap was about doing internet surveys for money.

Sunday also happened to be the Cheapmeister's birthday, so after dinner, we had cake.

Sadly, this evening David 2, Jeni, and Margo all had to leave so they could work on Monday. We miss them greatly, but hope they return next year.


Ken said...

I cannot believe you guys had all of that fun while I was writing syllabi. And I probably won't be able to go next year since clearly my semester starts before beach week. Ugh!

Leah said...

Beach week dates are subject to change, so it may work out next year! And even if it doesn't, we'll make our own beach week, or some other type of week :-)