04 December 2008

The Frog That Would Not End

As many of you know, my mother has a frog that she likes better than either my brother or myself. Niki and Jeni gave David a Grow-A-Frog kit as a 10th birthday gift, and it's still alive and kicking. It's cannibalistic, has been down the garbage disposal, spent a week in a tank with a dead frog, David didn't feed it for months at a time, and yet the damn thing still persists in living. I swear, when the End of Days comes, it'll just be cockroaches and this thing left.

And now, I have evidence that may perpetuate that belief: http://www.spidercox.co.uk/xenopusfrog.htm

If this thing lives to be 30 years old, I'm suing the Grow-a-Frog company.


Melissa said...

I will laugh hysterically if that frog lives to be 30.

Mary and Larry Smerk said...

at least when people house sit they don't have to worry about killing the frog